May 2023 Listing Prices of Rare Earth with A Significant Decrease

On May 5th, China Northern Rare Earth Group announced the listing prices of rare earth products for May 2023, resulting in a significant decrease in the prices of multiple rare earth products. Lanthanum oxide and cerium oxide reported 9800 yuan/ton, unchanged from April 2023. Praseodymium Neodymium oxide was reported at 495000 yuan/ton, a decrease of 144000 yuan/ton compared to April, with a month on month decrease of 22.54%; Praseodymium Neodymium metal was reported at 610000 yuan/ton, a decrease of 172500 yuan/ton compared to April, with a month on month decrease of 22.04%; Neodymium oxide was reported at 511700 yuan/ton, a decrease of 194100 yuan/ton compared to April, with a month on month decrease of 27.5%; Neodymium metal reported a price of 630000 yuan/ton, a decrease of 232500 yuan/ton compared to April, with a month on month decrease of 26.96%.

May 2023 Listing Prices of Rare Earth

Post time: May-05-2023